SRI VIGNANA VARDHANI EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY Established in the year 1973, Founder Chairman Shri N.NAGA BHUSHANAM and Secretary Smt N.KAMALA BHUSHANAMestablished Sri Vignana Vardhani Elementary School in the year 1973 with a limited strength of 40 students in small house situated at saidabad, Hyderabad, and got registered and recognized in the year 1976. It is the oldest school in saidabad locality. SRI VIGNANA VARDHANI HIGH SCHOOL (S.V.V) is a dream project o Late Shri N.NAGA BHUSHANAM Garu founder Chairman, who believed that the greatest service to Man kind is to impart knowledge through education to all the people in the society with the motto. “EDUCATION FOR ALL” that all students, regard less of gender, race, caste and religion have the right to be educated on secure, pleasant, stress free, independent and homely ambience, where all members of the school have respect to each other. |
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